Modular reception 2020
With our own development department, we can also offer customers unique modular solutions. Representatives of the resort came to us with the question of whether we can offer them a modular solution for the new reception. Taking into account their wishes and needs, we have developed the Adria reception, which consists of three modules. The central part of the entire structure is intended for the reception itself and guest check-in, while two additional modules are intended for employees. The two modules have common areas with a kitchen, two offices, a multi-purpose room for meetings and socializing, and a separate bathroom and toilet.
The added value of such solutions is their construction with SIP panels. Structurally insulated panel (SIP) is a versatile, very stable and environmentally friendly construction system for the construction of low-energy and passive buildings. The exterior design is carefully adapted to the whole story of the resort and its location in the natural environment.
With modular construction and the use of Adria solutions, it is possible to assemble different configurations for different purposes. From receptions, kitchens, social and entertainment spaces to multi-purpose spaces such as cinema rooms or children's playrooms.
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